Have you ever dreamed of quitting your job to travel the world? Do you have a feeling that there’s more to life?

That was me 🙋‍♀️

And this is me, looking pensive next to a torii gate in Japan ⛩️

Who am I?

Hi! 👋I’m Claire, a digital marketing and travel content specialist from the UK. I left behind my TV career in London to follow a dream of travelling the world.

While it was exciting to book my round-the-world flights, I was saying goodbye to my life as I knew it. I almost had a panic attack as I put my belongings in a backpack. It felt insane to pack less for a year than I would for a two-week holiday 🤯

Where did I go on my travels?

I stayed for a month in India, before exploring more of Asia. I spent a month in Malaysia and Thailand, followed by two months in Bali, which I adored. Everywhere you go there are lush rice terraces and beautiful temples.

As part of this slow travel, my intention was to visit yoga and meditation centres around the world. I wanted to learn more about this mindful way of living. It attracted me as it’s the antithesis of stressful corporate environments. Except for hot yoga, which is stressful until you get used to it! 🧘‍♀️

My solo trip was also about indulging my love of adventure. I filled my days with my favourite passions: food, writing, yoga, dancing, music, art, nature and beaches 🏖️

While in Malaysia, I learned to scuba dive. It was so scary but amazing once I got the hang of it. After Asia, I headed down under to visit friends in Australia. Here’s a photo of me feeding a grumpy-looking turtle in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. It almost bit my thumb off! What a time.

Australian adventure

Terrified of running out of money, I had secured a working holiday visa for New Zealand. I spent a few months working as a consultant in this beautiful country 🧑‍💻

Finally, after 10 months, it was time to return to the UK. I travelled home via South America, spending a month in Chile, Brazil and Argentina. In Chile, I went stargazing and climbed a small mountain in the Atacama desert. I was wearing beaten-up old shoes that slipped on the loose sand and rocks, but I did it!

What happened after I returned home?

I didn’t stay back in the UK long. I loved New Zealand so much, I returned there to continue working while my year-long visa was still valid. There on the other side of the world, while waiting for a bus, I met a handsome French guy. Since then we’ve been inseparable ❤️

Our trips together include Canada, Japan and an African safari in Kenya and Tanzania. Now based in Belgium, we like to explore European countries such as France, Portugal and Italy. In Canada, we went on a wonderful horse-riding tour through one of the national parks.

“Live life with no excuses, travel with no regret” – Oscar Wilde

When and why did I start writing this blog?

I launched this blog to get back in touch with the writing I loved to do when I was younger. To find my voice again. Sometimes you forget about these things that made you feel good.

I pressed publish as I left for my solo round-the-world trip. Since then, I’ve been delighted to see thousands of readers each month, from all over the world.

Today, you can find my latest advice on where to go, what to do and what to wear.

Why did I call it Backpacking Bella?

First, I liked the alliteration 🤓

Backpacking: it’s special to explore the world with your belongings on your back. You’re venturing beyond your comfort zone 🎒

Bella is the feminine word in Italian for ‘beautiful.’ This reflects my style of travelling: taking time to appreciate the beauty and art of places. Italy was where I did my first ever backpacking trip, staying in hostels. “Ciao, bella!” is something you may hear from the local men there if you’re a female tourist 😍

Where else can I connect with Backpacking Bella?

As well as my blog, you can find me on social media. Follow my Instagram page. Backpacking Bella is on Facebook, Pinterest, TikTok, Threads and X/Twitter. You can now also subscribe to my new Substack newsletter.

What would your dream trip be filled with?

Perhaps you are interested in being a solo traveller in Goa.

Maybe you’d like to try a yoga retreat somewhere exotic.

How about crossing Canada without a car?

You could explore magnificent Malaysia.

Discover a picture-perfect route around Portugal.

Or the beautiful island of Bali.

Travelling brings such joy, freedom and possibility. You get to meet fantastic people and experience things you could never have imagined. You learn so much about yourself along the way. Sometimes, you have to pinch yourself. You’re on your dream trip, halfway around the world from home.

Enjoy your own adventures, wherever they may lead you…

If it’s your first time here, head straight to this post about the surprising benefits of travel and subscribe to my newsletter for updates and inspiration direct to your inbox.

Bon voyage, bellas 💌